Sarah Wedl-Wilson is Elected President of the Hanns Eisler School
In winter semester 2019/20, Sarah Wedl-Wilson will take over official functions from the sitting president Prof. Robert Ehrlich, who has headed the school’s administration since winter semester of 2015/16. On Wednesday, during a second round of voting, the extended academic senate of the Hanns Eisler School of Music Berlin elected the British cultural manager Sarah Wedl-Wilson to be the school’s new president for a term of four years.
From 2014 until 2018, Sarah Wedl-Wilson was vice president for external affairs, as well as interim president, of the Mozarteum University Salzburg, and has been chair of the supervisory board of the Salzburg Easter Festival since 2015. Since late 2018, she has been a senior adviser at Arts Executive Search, a headhunting operation specializing in the cultural field.
This experienced cultural manager was managing director of the Camerata Salzburg and the Innsbruck Festival of Early Music, collaborating alongside René Jacobs for nearly 10 years with leading baroque orchestras, as well as with the Staatsoper Unter den Linden. In 1996/97, she was the departmental manager of the administration office of the Kölner Philharmonie, and was artistic director at Schloss Elmau from 1997 until 2000. Since 2009, she has advised festivals and cultural institutions through the Wilson Arts Projects, her cultural consulting firm.
Sarah Wedl-Wilson (49) grew up in in London, and studied languages (French and German) at Emmanuel College at the University of Cambridge. She took piano and violin lessons beginning at the age of five, has received a number of awards as a member of a string quartet from the British Chamber Music Competition, and has served as a concertmaster with various amateur orchestras in London, Cambridge and Salzburg.